To guide our collective actions through 2027, the following six strategic priorities and supporting operational goals provide a focused path towards execution of the Mission and Vision.
Regional leadership through best practices, innovative solutions, and working across jurisdictions to develop and implement adaptive management strategies.
❯ Apply pilot projects to test new approaches and evolve evaluation of best practices in natural resource management.
❯ Build and maintain partnerships to expand coordinated efforts across agencies to leverage resources, implement projects, enhance outcomes, and extend impact across the region.
Proactive land conservation and management strategies to protect and steward lands that conserve resource values, provide quality visitor experiences, and contribute to community quality of life through strategic acquisitions, partnerships, and best management practices.
❯ Identify and expand appropriate conservation strategies, partnerships, and funding opportunities to support and advance land conservation efforts.
❯ Protect, maintain, and improve ecosystem health through watershed and habitat restoration projects, native vegetation best management practices, and associated public outreach.
Responsibly manage funds and community expectations by applying levels of service that create clarity on what efforts can be sustained over time and achieved annually based on financial position as well as the capacity of lands, facilities, and staff.
❯ Responsibly manage funds and community expectations by applying levels of service based on financial position as well as the capacity of lands facilities, and staff.
❯ Assess operations, priorities, and annual workflow to create clarity on efforts sustained over time and achieved annually.
Foster a positive work culture that enables collaboration, ensures inclusion, models self-awareness and empathy, and supports the needs and growth of team members.
❯ Provide ongoing opportunities for team building and fun to build a stronger, more cohesive team.
❯ Support professional growth of staff through mentorship, professional development, and incentivizing retention.
❯ Create cultural identity around values and hold staff accountable to embody and model those values.
Plan and provide positive nature-based opportunities that reflect the diversity of visitors, meet whole community goals, and ensure responsible management.
❯ Understand the diverse needs, preferences of the community and visitors to support a positive, inclusive experience that inspires connection to nature and place.
❯ Pursue innovative technology solutions to support efficiencies in management and customer service.
❯ Cultivate community engagement strategies and education opportunities that are accessible, inclusive of the whole community, and inspire stewardship.
Maintain a sustainable funding strategy that diversifies the financial portfolio to support our work and recognizes the ecological goods and services provided by well-stewarded and conserved lands as part of the portfolio.
❯ Efficiently manage taxpayer and user fee revenue to ensure ongoing support while providing a balanced budgeting approach for long-term management, asset, and infrastructure replacement.
❯ Explore diversified funding strategies to meet master plan priorities and optimize budgets in response to unanticipated needs and fluctuations in funding.