Acts of service provide perspective
By: Korrie Johnston, Communications Supervisor
I love Thanksgiving. Give me a holiday that revolves around food and drinks and spending time with people I love, and I am all-in. This last year was especially memorable as I had the opportunity to not only do all those things but also build in time to volunteer for one of our community’s vital non-profits, Foco (Feeding Our Community Ourselves) Café.
Foco Café's mission is to nourish the community with wholesome meals made from local, organic ingredients, regardless of someone's ability to pay. Through the COMPASS Culture team, I spent the day before Thanksgiving helping alongside Trevor Knight and Michael Goldman. Our kitchen tasks ranged from preparing roasted turkey to chopping fresh vegetables.
Assistant Director Mark Betz welcomed us warmly, showing us around the bustling kitchen and sharing Foco's inspiring mission. Witnessing his dedication in such a modest space, serving thousands of meals annually, left an impact on me.
Helping to play a small role in feeding those who needed some help during the holiday was rewarding, a gift that allowed me a moment to reflect on how much I have to be grateful for – and a chance to get to know my co-workers a little bit better.
If you haven't had the chance to join COMPASS' volunteer events, I highly recommend it! It's a meaningful way to give back to our community, enriching both our lives and those we support.
Michael Goldman, Korrie Johnston, and Trevor Knight take a moment together after their volunteer shift.