Being first on scene in open space allows best access to lifesaving care
By: Hannah Beam, Ranger
Rangers Lane Fahrenbruch (L) and Hannah Beam (R) watch as first responders get ready to transport the patient to nearby medical care.
On March 2nd, a 911 call was made from the Wild Loop trail at Devil’s Backbone Open Space for an unresponsive male on the trail in need of medical assistance.
Rangers Lane Fahrenbruch and Hannah Beam heard the call and immediately responded. While responders were en route to the call, Larimer County Dispatch performed a “Rapid SOS” on the reporting party’s phone, which gave responders GPS coordinates for the medical emergency.
Given his terrain experience and knowledge, Lane quickly identified the best access point to the trail based on the GPS coordinates and found the patient. He was able to begin a patient assessment, medical care, and further guide additional rangers, Loveland Fire, Thompson Valley EMS, and LCSO Paramedics to his position.
The team was able to rescue the patient from the trail and transport him to medical care. The following day, the mother of the patient sent the following message, which I wanted to share with everyone. It acknowledges our response and her appreciation.
The rangers sweep the descent as first responders carry the patient towards medical attention.