Welcome to ‘On the Ground’
By: Korrie Johnston, Communications Supervisor, Public Engagement
Welcome to the Department of Natural Resources blog, On The Ground! This home is a place for your stories, updates, and check-ins on all things Natural Resources, but mostly it is about YOU, our amazing staff.
Much of COMPASS’s work has revolved around how we can better communicate internally as a team to help build a positive work culture and a stronger community. This communications tool or blog can allow each of us to engage in that effort.
As many of you are aware, our team is dispersed across the county doing a variety of work - whether in the field, behind a desk, or in a vehicle. Your experience of being a DNR staff is unique to you, and this is a place to share your story.
But this space is not just about the work we do, it is about who we are.
The Culture Team will be the piloting authors in 2023. You will begin to see new stories roll out throughout each month, and we hope you will join us in bringing your unique perspective too. This space also allows for photo diaries of experiences “on the job” or “off the job” that could enhance our understanding of each other as well.
Any and all staff members can participate! All it takes is an idea…
We are looking for stories that give insight into the culture, passion, and personality of our department. You are the author, and it helps to have an image or two to support your story. Word count varies, but 200-500 words is a nice goal.
Connect with Korrie Johnston via email to pitch your idea. Following, write your story and collect your photos and submit to Korrie upon completion. The Communications team will take care of the rest.
No idea is too small or too large to post, we invite you to share! This website is public and will not be password protected.
Please note that while the subject matter or topics are open and varied based on our staff interests, no derogatory, discriminatory, or other harmful language or content will be posted.