Growing leaders among us - Mentorship program launches

By: Trevor Knight, Senior Ranger

I am part of the COMPASS Work Culture Group, and the goal leader for developing our mentorship program for emerging leaders within the Department. To kick off this program, we are looking for tenured leaders within the Department that are interested in taking on a mentor role.

A mentorship is a special partnership between two people based on a commitment to the mentoring process, common goals/expectations of the partnership, and mutual trust and respect.

The goal of the LCDNR mentorship program is to assist in the development of emerging leaders within the Department. Ideally, mentors and mentees will come together from different working groups across the department to provide diverse perspectives, support for each other, and increase collaboration.

Mentoring is a “get and give” experience with the goal of providing a rich and rewarding experience for both partners. If you are a tenured leader within our Department, I encourage you to consider filling out the application form: Mentor Application

Later this fall, we will be looking for emerging leaders to pair with our mentors. There is currently no designated time commitment for this program, but mentors and mentees should be prepared to meet for up to one hour per month over the course of a year. Ultimately, it will be up to the mentor/mentee to decide how frequently they meet and the overall time commitment that fits their goals.

Please reach out directly to me if you have any questions or need additional information about the mentorship program.


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