Pinewood rescue showcases quick actions
By: Hannah Beam, Ranger
A positive outcome for a capsized recreator at Pinewood Reservoir…

Reservoir recovery response showcases regional teamwork
By: Trevor Knight, Senior Ranger
Reservoir recovery effort exemplifies teamwork throughout the region…

Committed to our everyday work
By: Hannah Beam, Ranger
A massive wind storm and a fresh pair of socks…related? Yes!…

Mentorship program off and running
By: Trevor Knight, Senior Ranger
Participants across the department have launched a new mentorship program in LCDNR…

You went to Wisconsin in February?
By: Korrie Johnston, Communications
Visiting Waukesha County in Wisconsin proves to be better than a day at the beach…

Helping to Build a Home
By: Julie Enderby, Education & Volunteer Supervisor
A day to give back - LCDNR staff take a day to help build a new house for the community member in need…

Join us for Department-sponsored meetings and staff-organized events, programs, and get-togethers.