Lifesavers in our Midst: Rangers Hannah Beam, Chris Gardner & Zach Cook
By: Korrie Johnston, Communications Supervisor
The awardees with red ribbon (L-R) Chris Gardner, Hannah Beam, Zach Cook, pictured with Sheriff John Feyen, Captain Chris Fleming, and fellow LCDNR rangers.
Lifesaving Awardees Rangers Hannah Beam, Zach Cook, and Chris Gardner, and Lory State Park ranger Lauren Turpin.
On January 29, I had the honor to be in attendance at the annual Larimer County Sheriff’s Office Award Ceremony. I was aware several of our Rangers were being honored and wanted to support and witness their award. Hosted at Timberline Church in Fort Collins, the room was full of family and friends along with many honorees. In the crowd, it was hard to miss our team in green amidst a sea of deputies and law enforcement blue. The awards are chosen annually by Sheriff Feyen representing outstanding service in saving the lives of community members.
I entered the award ceremony frantic from the day and left it feeling very humbled and proud to call LCDNR my home. Here are the story summaries of each Life Saving Award - Congratulations to Hannah, Chris, and Zach!
Zach Cook
“On Jan 29, 2023, Senior Ranger Zachary Cook self-assigned to a welfare check of someone on the ice of Horsetooth Reservoir. Upon arrival to the area, he observed a figure crawling and lying down in the snow on the ice in the middle of the reservoir. Due to the strange behavior of the person and the proximity to the open water, Senior Ranger Cook aired that he would be starting an ice rescue. Zach donned an ice rescue suit and started out onto the ice without a secured line. He made contact with the woman and noticed she was severely hypothermic and suffering from frostbite on her hands. He placed the woman on a rescue paddle board and using a sling, tied her to the board. He then pulled her away from the open water and monitored her breathing and heart rate until rescuers from Poudre Fire Authority arrived. The woman was pulled from the ice and up the slope to the roadway where medical transported her to Poudre Valley Hospital via ambulance.
After confirming the identity of the woman, Senior Ranger Cook discussed her condition with the doctor who stated that other than damage to her hands from frostbite, she would recover. Senior Ranger Cook interviewed the patient and she confirmed that she had purposely overdosed on her prescription medications and then went out on the ice to commit suicide.
Senior Ranger Cook went above and beyond. He risked himself without any ropes, to get to the woman, on an ice rescue situation. His quick thinking and adaptability allowed him to save the woman’s life.” - Larimer County Sheriff’s Office Award Ceremony
Hannah Beam & Chris Gardner
“On May 21, 2023, Boyd Lake State Park Rangers Eric Grey and Lauren Turpin were responding to a stabbing incident at the park. Larimer County Ranger Chris Gardner was going to work and was near Boyd Lake at the time when the call came out. The call quickly escalated to multiple scenes/parties, and required additional officers to respond.
A female associated with the incident was found to have a warrant for her arrest and was taken into custody by Ranger Gardner and his trainee Ranger Hannah Beam, who responded to join Ranger Gardner for training purposes. The in-custody was lucent and speaking with Rangers at the time of her arrest. Prior to leaving the park to transport the female to jail, Ranger Gardner stopped at the location where Ranger Turpin was, to see if she needed anything before he left.
While Ranger Gardner was away from the vehicle, Trainee Beam heard the in-custody female state that that she had swallowed 7 blue pills and was not feeling well. Their investigation led to blue pills that were consistent with Fentanyl. Trainee Beam did not hesitate and notified Ranger Gardner of the female’s statement and rapidly declining health. Ranger Gardner called for medical to respond to the scene. Within a minute after reporting herself not feeling well, the female was unconscious.
Rangers Gardner, Beam, and Turpin got the female out of the patrol vehicle and administered Narcan. The female regained consciousness but quickly returned unconscious multiple times. The Narcan was administered multiple times by the three rangers until medical personnel arrived. Due to the number of pills and the rapid decline, it was apparent after reviewing this case that the Rangers saved the woman’s life due to their quick and thorough response.