Reflections on Volunteer Appreciation
By: Ellen Harris, Education & Volunteer Specialist
We had a full house on January 31 to enjoy the Volunteer Appreciation Dinner! Thanks to all the staff who attended to honor our volunteers.
I often tell our volunteers that they are our eyes and ears on the ground. For our Litter Cleanup Team volunteers, that’s especially true since they’re usually looking for trash! Regardless of their specific role, though, our volunteers consistently support the mission of our department, and unlike the staff in our department, they don’t even get paid! Which is why, to honor their effort and commitment, we have an annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner. This year’s dinner was hosted at The Ranch on January 31, 2024.
I do most of the behind-the-scenes planning for the dinner, but I don’t have to do much speaking once the event has begun. Which is great, because besides loving our parks, our volunteers are also lovely people! Most of the year, I see very little of our volunteers, and when I do see them, we’re usually both working on a project.
That makes the appreciation dinner a wonderful chance for me to actually get to sit and talk with our volunteers. I hear their stories from the field, get to know their sense of humor, and share with them our mutual love of the places we get to steward together.
I love that there are so many wonderful people who love the work we do.
Thanks Volunteers!