Seasonal Safety Reminder
By: Jenevieve Kramer, Communications Coordinator
Regular visitors remind us to be mindful of seasonal safety…

Checking Out to Check In
By: Korrie Johnston, Communications Supervisor
Sometimes ‘checking out’ to ‘check in’ is just what we need. Read how one staff member leans on public lands for wellness and grounding…

Stars in our Midst: Gaylynn Richfield
By: Cindy Claggett, Carter Lake District Manager
Read how one of our camp hosts goes above and beyond to support positive connections to nature at Pinewood…
Restoration Round Up: River Bluffs Open Space
By: Amy Gilboy, Restoration and Stewardship Specialist
Read the restoration story of River Bluffs Open Space and how the river corridor is now flourishing…

Growing leaders among us - Mentorship program launches
By: Trevor Knight, Senior Ranger
Seeking mentors for the Department’s first mentorship program launching this fall…

USFS Partnership confirmed to continue critical land stewardship work
By: Chris Metz, Land Stewardship Tech II
Managing noxious weeds in the Cameron Peak burn area will continue through 2028 via a renewed partnership with the USFS…

Join us for Department-sponsored meetings and staff-organized events, programs, and get-togethers.